Ahh L'viv. This was my second of many trips to that city. I never got to serve there, but I visited a few times for conferences and later to go on splits with other missionaries. It's an amazing city that plays a prominent role in much of Ukrainian history - it's one of Ukraine's cultural hubs. Every trip to L'viv was an adventure and I'd love to go back. For now, though, I'll have to be content with these e-mails and my memories.
"From: Grant Stoddard <gstoddard86@yahoo.com>
Date: February 8, 2006 1:26:24 AM AKST 1
Subject: my 2 cents - or kopek
Hi everyone.
Sounds like everyone had good weeks...or not, either way...I heard from ya, and I appreciate it.
To all my missionary pals, hey...keep up the good work, and to all my family and friends...you too!
I hope your realize how valuable to me these emails are and how good it is to hear from ya every week...I don't know if I could do it out here without them. Everyone this week needs to let time stand still...be like a captain who's ship runs aground...just wait until the tide comes around. Life is great and we need to not get so caught up in the day to day stuff...that's my thought anyway.
Ok, so I set a goal to do some more detailed emails...or at least try. Just cuz I think you'd all like to know.
First thing, hope everyone was able to see on the webcam...doesn't sound like it, but what the hey...we stood and waved and stuff for like 5 minutes.
Our new district consists of Elder Adair - he's from Rexburg, Idaho...he's sitting next to me right now and he's been out for 2 more transfers than I have...we're the younguns here. Elder Gashler - He's my companion, he's zone leader, he's one of the oldest in the mission with the other 3 elders in our group...he's from Wisconsin, but he doesn't have an accent cuz he wasn't born there, and he loves airplanes. He wants to have a jeep wrangler when he gets home and start teaching flight school until he can become a pilot. his parents are also coming to pick him up, and they were mission presidents in the Samara, Russia mission so he already knew russian. Elder Jolley - he's from Salt Lake City...he went to Bountiful, and from pictures I've seen and stuff, I would guess that he's right around Heidi's cousin Bryan's house, and Brayden's grandparents. He's from the same group, and he'll be going home later than all of the others cuz he chose to extend his mission. Elder Bowen - was in our group last transfer, he got demoted and now isn't in any leadership position...he's going home when elder Gashler and Elder Clark do which'll be here in 10 weeks. He's really cool and is from Burley, Idaho...and was a state champion in mimickry (drama talent...being a mime) Elder Clark - he's got the biggest mouth in the mission...literally, and my companion has the smallest...they all measured I guess. He's from Logan, Utah and has a unique personality and really like Halo for a while I guess. He's going home w/ Bowen and Gashler, and yeah...that's our district...then there's me of course.
The Rivne District - (from left to right) Elder Adair, me, Elder Jolley, Elder Bowen, Elder Gashler, Elder Clark |
wow...so that was detailed
So our week...headed to Zone Conference on wednesday night...got there at like 1 am and stayed at the L'viv zone leader's house. then we had zone conference, and it was awesome...had some good talks...reconfirmed my faith that President and Sister Davis were called specifically for me, they talked alot on subjects I needed such as being yourself, preparing and you won't fear...and how fear is really the only thing that gets us down. We spent the time after walking around L'viv and scoping out the new church with this crazy guy who was in charge of building it...he's not supposed to let anyone in I think, so it's good to know the L'viv church is in good hands. then we got back friday morning around 3 am, had a pretty good day...of tracting, recent convert lessons with Dima and Roma, and stuff...Saturday we had a really gay day...we met with the mom of one of our investigators and had a 2 hour 5 minute lesson getting absolutely nothing accomplished...it was way frustrating, but then we had a cool little fireside on Family home evening that kinda picked it back up...I've noticed that happens alot...we have crap for days, but then one thing at the end'll kinda raise your spirit. so let's look for that one thing that redeems it every day.
The meetinghouse in L'viv. When Elder Holland dedicated it he said that it could be used as a temple at some future time. |

Sunday - Church...met this cool guy Denis who was referred, and everyone thought was a shady character, but turned out to be really interested...we taught him and now we're just trying to get back ahold of him...Monday was the bummer day of the week...oh man did it kinda blow...Hooray though for those normal people, bad bummer cold sucky experiences...we had a good day planned, lessons and stuff, and everyone ditched out on us...so we walked everywhere going to try and stop by some people, and couldn't find anyone...it was cold, I wasn't in the best moods...neither was my companion, so everything just wasn't going right. On that day I saw that way cool sunset too, but even that couldn't help...I mean it did a little, but just enough to keep going and trudge through. then we had family home evening at okcana's house and just picked everything up to get up on tuesday and go...P-day eve hooray...Really good day. It's like golf, you play and get so freakin' frustrated that you hate the sport and then you have an awesome hole at the end of your rope to keep on coming back for more. I love it! we taught our investigator Luda the 3rd lesson (the gospel of Jesus Christ) and it was awesome...you know the spirit was there cuz I had a good language time...and we just answered all her questions and stuff...it was great! went and did service w/ the young mens and made blonde brownies then delivered them to the branch president's wife (her name is Annya Deedooshok and his is Andrey Deedooshok by the way) then lunch...canned soup is a great idea for the future I had campbell's cream of mushroom and it was great...a lesson with a little girl who got baptized a while back, picked up a lesson with our investigator Sasha, who turns out is progressing really well, he just had a slip and fall injury that kept him from us this past week...and other good news stuff like that. It was great.
That brings us to today. It's started out interesting cuz I locked the keys in the apartment, so we're gonna have to go get the spares from the branch president's wife..but we don't have a phone...so it may be a bit tricky. but other than that...it'll be really good I know it...it's p-day halle-freakin'-lujah...oh quick comment I used the phrase "pissed off" in my last letter...be it known - I am not perfect still. My halo hangs crooked, I become more and more the Grant that I've always been as I grow into my life here, rather than the person I thought I needed to be. Which as we remember is why i'm here, to show these people that great Grant Stoddard that can change the world one person at a time...with his freakin' beautiful figure, gorgeous locks, striking eyes, tight-round buttocks, and lack of humility - funny I can't ever remember that word in Ukrainian...must not be important ;)
Anyway...that was my fun detailed letter...it took a while to write...it was slightly mischevious, but hey...that's me, I have a feeling you all won't mind.
[Here I asked for some e-mail addresses, a copy of videos I made in high school, and suggestions for ward activities that we could do in our branch.]
that's my email for this week. Hope it was good. I love you all. Let time stand still...freeze this moment a little bit longer, it'll only happen once, then it'll change.
Oh, another quick thought - Life is a huge repetition...it reminds me of high school... you start out small, scared, looking up to older kids, wanting to be them, growing in confindence, learning who you are, getting to where you feel comfortable, enjoying it for a while, then your scenery changes and you start the process all over again. Ain't it great? we're gonna be so good at it by the end of this life, that we'll get to continue it in the life to come...hooray! I've noticed this and realize that I'm gonna let it happen...let nature take its course...realize that I'm normal...everyone else is going through it to...and do all I can to get to my comfort points and enjoy! then ride the rollercoster down and start up the climb once more. I'm glad I have tons of people i love to do it with me.
Be safe, love one another, write me back. and have one heck of a week!
love, vash oolooblennee khlopets,
Elder Stoddard"
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